Womans body on her side in the dark

What is Somatic Coaching?

Somatic coaching is an alternate approach to personal growth and healing that stems from ancient, holistic traditions that support the return to the unique intelligence of the individual’s body-home.

The term “somatic” originates from the Greek word “soma,” and simple means “of the body.” It looks at the body and mind to support the return of the individual to a sense of wholeness.

When we work somatically we’re observing the intricate dance between physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts.

This transformative modality bridges the mind and body to open up the power and potential of the individual. With much less of a focus on “doing” than similar modalities, it gives greater attention to “being” and with it, puts the client’s “process” at the centre.

When we work in the construct of the mind we’re often subject to the “meaning” we make of people or situations, the filters and conditioning we have absorbed, but through the body, we’re much more easily able to return home to our true selves.

Most importantly, the direct contact we can have with our body processes as they emerge, opens up the door to powerful change.

How can somatic work support us?

Integration of Mind and Body
Somatic coaching recognises that our experiences, traumas, and emotions manifest physically.
It aims to create a more holistic approach to personal growth by integrating cognitive and physical awareness.

Self-Awareness and Transformation
With the use of somatic techniques, we become more attuned to our patterns, habits, and responses.
This heightened self-awareness holds space for transformation at a physical level.

Professional and Personal Growth
Learning to work in an embodied way can change your experience of both work and life.
For those of you who are already leaders (entrepreneurs, career-focused, or thought leaders) it really is a game changer.

You can learn to embody the qualities of potent, conscious leadership, improve emotional regulation, enhance your creativity, increase your nervous system capacity to better handle stress, and work with issues like low self-worth or self-doubt that can cloud your judgment.

Emotional Healing
Somatic coaching helps us process physical and emotional discomfort by acknowledging sensations and emotions, we create a safe space for healing.

Stress Reduction
Aligning our internal and external experiences reduces stress.
Learn grounding techniques, like mindful breathing, and intentional movement contribute to a balanced state of mind.

Improved Sleep and Well-Being
Somatic practices positively impact sleep quality and overall physical health.
As we return to a state of connection with our bodies, they respond with greater well-being.

Processing Trauma Safely
Somatic coaching provides tangible tools to process painful experiences.
It allows us to unravel underlying issues and create coping mechanisms.

Mindful Presence
Practice mindful breathing, body scans, and grounding exercises.
Be fully present in each moment.

Body Awareness
As we learn to notice physical sensations associated with emotions, we can befriend them (they hold valuable information) and work with them for positive change.

As we come into a closer relationship with our parts of self and our processes, we get to see the intelligence that sits behind everything. We can acknowledge our experiences without judgment.

Interpersonal Skills
We learn to interpret nonverbal cues, enhance communication through embodied presence, and receive the benefits of authentic connection.

Connect with Your Inner Self:
We explore the uncharted territories of your mind and body, understand and work with the many parts of your psyche that make up you, your life, and your experience.

Somatic coaching invites us to listen to our bodies, harness emotions, and embark on a journey of true healing, growth, empowerment, and change.

As someone who wants to elicit deep and powerful personal change in the clients I work with, including somatic methodology in my approach is non-negotiable. We work with what lies beneath what’s seen and get to the root of what’s presented in their lives.

Woman floating on water


The worlds of somatics and trauma are intrinsically linked as working through the portal of the body, is we are able to access the most powerful form of healing for those who’ve experienced trauma.

Having consciously worked with my own trauma, and studied around the topic extensively, I consider my spaces to be held as trauma informed.

Being trauma-informed means recognising the pervasive impact of trauma and adjusting my approach to be responsive and supportive.

Here are some core principles that you can expect in my spaces:

– Prioritise an embodied sense of physical and emotional safety.
– Being reliable, honest, and transparent.
– Collaboration and mutuality – healing is a joint effort.
– You are the expert in your own experience, I will encourage you to have a voice.
– Support your autonomy and agency.
– Encourage self-advocacy and empowerment.

Whilst understanding trauma and it’s impact is highly sensitive and important, the approach I take is to focus on the individual, their experience and their process, rather than to focus on specific labels or diagnosis (unless integral to our journey together).

We all have the potential for healing and growth wherever we’ve been and I hold the vision of individual power, whilst supporting them through their healing journey.

For individuals with severe trauma, therapeutic interventions may be preferable to coaching, or a combination approach. Get in touch for any further clarification as to whether my work is suitable for you.

Highly Sensitive People (HSP)

More often than not the clients I work with (whether they realise it or not) are living with a heightened degree of sensitivity. This means they’re highly conscious individuals and want the best for the world, they have a lot to offer, but daily life is difficult and they feel like they’re barely surviving.

Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) possess a finely tuned nervous system that makes them acutely aware of their surroundings, emotions, and sensory experiences. For those that experience this, the heightened sensitivity can feel incredibly challenging on a day-to-day basis.

When you’re dealing with sensitivity, the experience of bodily sensations, heightened emotions and the sense of continual overwhelm that often leads to burnout and wondering what’s wrong.

In my experience somatic work is the perfect remedy to the experience of sensitivity, as it gives the quality of space that allows for greater connection with the body. We learn how to develop a relationship with the internal and external information we receive and also develop strategies to support experience.

In somatic work, we make space for the “data”, the information from within and outside to move through – to process.

Working this way offers HSPs a path to embrace their sensitivity, create balance, and learn to thrive.

With the right support and by tuning into their experience, their sensitivity can truly be harnessed as the gift it really is.

Relevant Credentials:

Certified Coach – Optimus Academy

Certified Body-Oriented Coach – The Somatic School

Somatic Parts Work/ IFS Practitioner – The Embody Lab/ IFS Institute


If you’d like to deepen your knowledge around trauma or polyvagal theory, I’ve also listed some great reading resources below.

Waking the Tiger – Peter Levine

The Body Keeps the Score – Bessel Van de Kolk

Call of the Wild – Kimberley Ann Johnson

Polyvagal Theory – Stephen Porges

Deb Dana

If you’d like to understand more about my integrative mentorship work, head to my packages here.

Grab a virtual coffee with me


If hearing about my work has ignited something in you and you’d like to get together human to human to find out more, or if you are ready to book and start your journey, then I’d love to share some real time with you. Book a free informal chat here.


